Sunday, May 07, 2006

Posting by email

To post a message by email, first go to the Email section under the Settings tab. You can get to the Settings from the "Dashboard" page by clicking on the cog:

Once in the settings, go to the Email section and type a "secret" word in the box:

Be sure the "Publish" box is checked, then click on the "Save Settings" button. The email address for you to send posts to the blog is:

YourBlogUsername.(whatever your secret word is)

(for example, the address for the sample user above would be:

Compose a message in your e-mail account and send it to the address you created. The subject line will be inserted as the title. Any formatting (such as bold or italic) will appear as it does in your compose screen:

The posting will publish to the blog automatically:

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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Using RSS feeds

I've added a couple links to RSS readers (in the right panel, under links). A reader should make it easier to monitor what's being posted here.

If you already use Firefox, try to install the extension. You should be able to turn the extension on or off (especially since it's just a pane on the side of the Firefox window). If you don't use Firefox, try the Google Reader (requires a Google Account)

You could also monitor other blogs that way. :-)

And pass on any useful tidbits to the rest of us. :-)

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